Mayor's Office
Mayor's Office

Jimmie Gardner
Mayor of Prichard
“It is indeed a Great Time to be a citizen of Prichard, AL. As your Mayor, it is indeed an honor and privilege to serve you in this capacity.”
To Request Mayor Gardner’s Attendance:
A Call for Unity and Collaboration to Restore OurCity's Growth
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I pray daily for the change to come that we so rightfully deserve and with YOUR HELP, we have the assurance that it will happen! I have spent my entire career over 35 years protecting and serving the community in which I love. My mission as Mayor is to ensure that the City of Prichard receives the recognition that it deserves. We are a strong, resilient people who care about their neighbors and want to see our city move in a positive direction. My key issues are as follows
Improving Communication & Community Engagement:
Prichard must improve its capacity to receive and use information communicated to the city by its residents. Basic changes such as updating the city’s website making it user friendly, adopting a customer service driven ethic at public agencies such as public works, police and fire department while implementing a proactive communication model to let the citizens of Prichard know what we are doing which will improve their awareness of key issues and satisfaction with the city operations. It is important that we incorporate the communities input and feed back in decision making tactics to have open and transparency. We will host two town hall meetings to allow the citizens the opportunity to share their thoughts on the future of the city.
Completing Comprehensive & Transparent Financial Reform:
We are to consider crafting reforms, which will include cost saving measures, while securing additional revenues. We can do this by transitioning to a performance based budget system. Evaluate personnel expenses for both classified and civilian employees. Review current contracts for cost effectiveness which will be beneficial to the City of Prichard.
Public Safety: How will we improve public safety and improve Prichard’s neighborhoods?
We must conduct an independent work demand analysis of all departments entire operation inclusive of a focus on their staffing and deployment patterns; use of technology and improve the transparency of the departments along with citizens complaint process. Look at the current partnership between the City’s department and local/state agencies. Lastly, we will look at incorporating a community partnership division to improve the relationship between these partnerships. We will ensure that the Citizens feel safe and Secure where they Live, Work and Play.
Economic Opportunity: How can we build a city that attracts and retains workforce?
We will look at increasing opportunities for family –sustaining jobs, enhance development and growth of small businesses and strengthen workforce development. We will look in key demand driven industries such as construction, and health care; support the development of small business. We must address how we can provide a strong environment that fosters economic growth. We can do this by promoting the development of a strong workforce through coordination with secondary and post-secondary agencies such as MCPSS & Bishop State Community College.
Public Works: How will we improve the effectiveness of the department and clean up our city?
This goal will explore opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the city’s department with respect to communication, planning, permitting and procurement. We must set goals around the key problems plaguing our city and prioritize those projects which need our immediate attention
Quality of Life:
In any city, the quality of life for its citizens should be a main concern for the administration. We must address issues of arts and culture, parks, and neighborhood upkeep and promote partnerships to promote the city. We must look at creating a model for innovative city redevelopment that places priority on neighborhood revitalization. As your Mayor, I pledge to give 100% to ensure that the progress this city deserves will begin. I am not promising an overnight fix, but in time through prayer, hard work and dedication from everyone, The Change Will Come! Please patiently work with us as we make critical decisions for the betterment of the City of Prichard. A Servant for the Citizens of Prichard, Alabama,
Jimmie Gardner,
Mayor City of Prichard, AL
Mayoral Staff

TJ Pettway
Public Services Director

Walter Knight
Chief of Police

Kimberly Wilson
Finance Director